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What we do.

Get It Done believes in a future where people feel supported to address pressing social issues through creativity and collective action, leading to lasting positive change in our local communities. 



Our work is twofold:



We produce creative projects and events that engage local communities and drive positive social impact.



We support young creative changemakers. We upskill people with the tools to take collective action, lead impactful projects in their local communities and achieve their innovative visions of the future. 



We do this through:


1. Producing creative projects for social impact.


Get It Done produces creative projects and events for organisations to engage with local communities and drive positive social impact. Our projects offer diverse and often marginalised audiences an opportunity to co-design and participate in creative, cultural and heritage activities.


Get It Done's project process follows a 9-point plan, including consultation, idea development, co-creation, planning, delivery, engagement, impact assessment, evaluation, and future planning. This ensures meaningful outcomes and impact through prioritising community needs. 


This could look like:


  • Creative community projects

  • Events and pop-ups

  • Workshop programmes

  • One-off workshops

  • Creative consultation and feedback gathering


See also: 

2. Education programmes for young changemakers.


Get It Done produces unique education programmes that support young creative changemakers to reach success. We provide people with the tools to take action, lead impactful projects in their local communities and achieve their visions of a transformed future.


Our programmes break down the process from idea to execution, led by our personal journey from grassroots collective to established community arts organisation. We teach creative change theory, practical management skills and offer personalised 1-on-1 support. This helps young individuals achieve their personal creative visions, develop professional skills, and access opportunities in the creative industries.


This could look like:


  • Learning programmes

  • Workshops

  • Talks and lectures

  • Creative learning resources (e.g. activity books, toolkits)


See also:


3. Creative activations and public art.


We produce and commission high-quality participatory and public arts projects, supporting artists and innovative ideas. Our projects bring free or low-cost opportunities to engage with creativity and culture, and connect with local heritage. Projects allow audiences to participate, collaborate and learn in radical formats, and artists to test out new elements of their creative practices.


This could look like:


  • Public art commissions

  • Festival and event art

  • Events and pop-ups


See also:


4. Personalised mentoring and coaching.


We provide personalised 1-on-1 mentoring or project consultancy to help people take the next steps in their careers, building professional skills for development and gaining work in the creative industries.


This could look like:


  • Freelance business or career mentoring

  • Programme tutoring

  • Workshops

  • Talks and lectures


See also:



"It is clear that real care and consideration go into all elements of Get It Done's work which is why we have repeatedly worked with them.


We know that we can trust them to achieve our vision by bringing our ideas to life."

- The Trussell Trust

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Interested in collaborating? We'd like that. 


Are you looking for someone to produce your next creative community project? Get It Done provides high-quality and high-impact creative production services to bring your ideas to life. 


We're always on the hunt for exciting creative minds to collaborate with, across the North West, London and further afield. 


Contact us or follow us on Instagram and let's chat. 

(previous partners and collaborators)

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