ArtsEmergency Mentoring
ArtsEmergency, Manchester.
August 2020.
In August 2020, we had Louis join Get It Done as part of the Arts Emergency Work Experience week.
Tasked with learning how to use visual storytelling and graphic design to tell some of the stories we’ve been collecting with Manchester Central Foodbank, Louis created some incredible design pieces and got an insight into the creative world of work. Here's what he had to say:
"I wanted to do work experience with Get It Done, as it was an opportunity to gain experience from a creative organisation with other artistic individuals who could offer me insight into a future in design.
Throughout the week, I have learnt an array of transferable skills and experiences, I was not prior exposed too. For example, I engaged with Manchester Central Foodbank in a discussion about Get It Done’s latest project, Can You Hear Me Now? Where they are exploring ways to giving people in hunger and poverty a voice that will get heard. This gave me the opportunity and resources to educate myself on what The Trussel Trust are about and there campaign to end the need for food banks in the UK. Through the stories, testimonials and videos from food bank users across the country, I was able to express these stories into a new media of art helping raising awareness to this overlooked matter. Get It Done gave me a platform to share my art and helped me get an understanding of digital marketing, project planning and community organisation skills.
During the work experience, I have developed my graphic design skills and I have been encouraged to embrace open minded design ideas which have led me to produce a diverse embodiment of artwork. I enjoyed giving back to the community and helping those in a less fortunate position find their justice. I savour the challenge of evolving my designs, as I want to constantly improve and refine my ideas. In the future, I wish to create more art looking closely at the stories from the people of Manny. I aspire to give back and make physical change as this is Manchester, and we look out for each other!
From my week working in a socially engaged art community, besides learning new things about how creative organisations run, I be will taking away an amplified desire and confidence to a career within the artistic environment. I have loved my time with Get It Done, and I am grateful for the opportunities they have given me. I hope, I can come back in the future and help make a difference again!"
We really enjoyed having Louis work with us this week, and seeing everything he's created. Big thank you to Arts Emergency for the valuable work they do connecting young people with creative organisations. In August 2021, we had Hannah join us in an online work experience placement. Hannah is a queer, feminist artist and illustrator from London, and is also an organising member of The Devil’s Dyke Network, a queer arts collective in Brighton.
Hannah researched, programmed, practiced and delivered an online creative workshop with people using foodbanks - the second workshop of our Can You Hear Me Now? programme.
Using her practice in illustration, she gave us tips and tricks to express our feelings and experiences through still-life drawing. We also had a go at streaming our thoughts into creative writing, and then collaboratively reworking these with the group into poetry and art.⠀
During the pandemic, this workshop was a huge challenge in accessibility, tackling digital exclusion and also the assumption that participants wouldn't have materials.
The team at Manchester Central Foodbank were incredible at making sure that everyone who wanted to come, could. They set up tablets for each, dropped off creative packs at people's homes and rang around to make sure everyone was set up and ready to log in. Big shoutout to all the people who make things happen behind the scenes!