Youth Perceptions of Poverty
The Trussell Trust, UK-wide.
August 2023.
24% of young people in the UK know someone their age that has gone hungry in the last 12 months. Stand for Change believes no child should be experiencing hunger and that, as a society, we have a collective responsibility to create a better future for young people.
Get It Done has been working on the Stand for Change campaign with national anti-poverty charity The Trussell Trust since 2022. Recently, The Trussell Trust and BBC Children in Need commissioned us to design a report on Youth Perceptions of Poverty in the UK - a research project carried out with Ipsos.
Working with designer Azizah Raghib, we created an exciting document suitable across audiences. The goal was for anyone to pick up this report and find the information accessible and engaging; all the way from a teenager to an MP.
The research has been reported nationally by The Sunday Times, and by youth-focused media including Newsround on CBBC, The Week Junior and by youth-focused influencers.
You can access the report here: